Talent Development Leader

State of Talent Development for Deskless Workers

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

By some estimates, 80 percent of the US workforce is comprised of deskless employees—workers at factories, retail stores, restaurants, distribution centers, warehouses, hospitals, or construction sites or behind the wheel of freighters and delivery vans. While organizational leaders have been focusing on how to reskill and upskill office workers as they adapt to new technologies and market changes, how have businesses responded to frontline staff’s talent development needs?

38% of deskless workers rank adequate training and upskilling as a top driver of success and happiness at work.
1/3 say they don’t feel like their organization invests in their personal development and growth.
68% report not receiving goals or steps to earn a promotion, and one-quarter are considering quitting their jobs because of a lack of career progression.
2/3 say they don’t receive any additional learning resources.
Half would like to use technology to help address the lack of employee training.
4 in 10  believe fractured communication is very or extremely challenging to their day-to-day work; 40% don’t have access to strong feedback loops.
Sources: T

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